Friday, November 09, 2007


(trying to work in the shorter blogs, it's easier to write, and hopefully, easier to read).

a couple days ago at a ministry meeting one of the standards officers mentioned a meeting at a school in the district where they had had to meet with the head teacher and the deputy head and the PTA over allegations of witchcraft against the head teacher. apparently a married woman was accusing the head teacher of inhabiting her dreams. he was a wizard and was coming to her at night. the response of some of the office was "now, if she wanted him enough, she could make those visions come to her!" which is, of course according to me, true. but suddenly i started to think. yes witchcraft seems absurd and it also can be a very destructive part of society here as accusation and jealousies fly... but is it just one of our human ways to explain our pysches and our unexplainable illnesses?

there is more pain and suffering and though much of it can be explained my mosquitoes, unsafe sex, not washing hands or any other sanitary issues... much of it is also tied into systems on inequality and random unfairness and maybe witches can help to make you feel better about all of that. to feel less out of control. that said, a head teacher shouldn't be fired because some woman dreams about him. please.

1 comment:

the dc glutard said...

Hannah! I've never commented before, and I owe you an email, but I thought I'd just say hello here. I love reading your posts. I hope you're doing well and miss you!!

Much love, Emily